Monday, April 26, 2010

Back From Vacation

Hello everyone, I am back from vacation. A week in South America does wonders for the soul. I started in beautiful Rio and worked my way down the coast. Did you know that there are people in Brazil that haven't heard of North Bonneville? I didn't expect them to, but sometimes you wish you were world famous.

The jungles, the food, the was all so amazing. I don't think I have danced that much since I was a cheerleader in high school. The music just moved me. That was actually my inspiration for my last post. I had some time to listen to a council meeting that a friend of mine had recorded. Sure, I took a certain "creative license" with it, but why not? Life is far too short to stand aside and let other people decide your fate.

Maybe it is the lingering effects of the cachaca (local rum) or the beat of the music still running through my spine, but I think life is pretty good right now. When I was in Sao Paulo, I realized something that was perhaps an altering moment. We here in NoBo have no real landmark. Everywhere I looked, there were statues and murals of common life. Children playing, women dancing and general happiness.

Why don't we have any of that? A way to express to the world who we are and what we believe! We should have a monument, statue, painting or maybe a sign. It would say something like, "Here lies a town wasted by turmoil and deceit. A town run by those that wish to twist the head of posterity from the neck of small town value."

Ok, you're right, that was a bit harsh. We need a better plan of action. I know, what if we were to focus on the children of this city instead of ourselves? Crazy, yes I know, and full of anti-borg sentiments. Think about it, the kids are the future. When I was down south I saw more play areas than I have ever seen in the US. We have one small playground with equipment that is only useful for a child under the age of seven.

We need an upgrade of our recreation program. Don't worry, I am not saying we need to hire a specialist to use thousands of dollars to say that we need to upgrade our recreation system. I think we need to do that ourselves. Trails and disc baskets are a start but we need to go farther.

I pass by a large piece of land every time I drive home from work. It already has a huge fence and is not located near any houses. Yes, that's right, I am referring to the tennis court. I have lived here for years and rarely see anyone playing tennis. However, I see a kid skateboarding near the park every time the sun shines. So why not make a skate park. Our neighbor city of Stevenson put one in a few years ago and the kids love it.

Just a thought, opinion, idea and any other method of conveyance of idea that I can come up with. Take some time and think it over, and remember, always keep the rubber side down....

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