Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Storm Is Coming

I find it interesting that some folks in this great city of ours find it necessary to cause uneccessary commotion. Some people just have way too much time on their hands if you ask me. The problem in this case tends to be that those same people don't really know what they are doing.
They think that they are doing some kind of greater good, but they are actually messing with people's lives. Spreading lies about other folks is one thing when it's kept amongst friends. However, those of you saying things about city workers that are absolute lies should be ashamed. You hear something from one of your "sources" and take it as truth. Then, to make matters worse, you twist it before passing it on. I used to play that game myself but it was in the third grade. We called it grapevine and thought it was fun. No one got hurt playing it though and it never lasted long.
Grow up a bit and learn to choose your battles. This is one you will not win. I will be here long after you are gone and I'll still be happy happy happy. I don't get flustered and angry with your BS postings and fliers. I have seen better material in a kindergarten class. The one thing I will do is to keep being the "prick" in your side.


Unknown said...

No Bo Truth ...What can I say. This is more awesome than I could ever imagine. It's about time someone spoke up and let them have it. I wonder how they feel now. Let's give 'em more. Its different when they deal with the undesireable. I will be with you all the way.

BLESS YOU and all you do.

Raven=Tweetybird said...

Storm coming is right except this storm is not the kind that is here today and gone tomarrow. Repairing from this storm does not appear to be a likely option, this storm has and will continue to leave it's scar of hatred and deep division on this small town perhaps beyond what most peace loving individuals could comprehend.

It is an easy guess for me to say that the creator of this blog would rather be doing something else, creating positive vibes is what this person is more about by choice.
I myself would rather not spend one minute of effort on negativity towards others even when it is deserved by them.
So why do I participate? Because standing by with silence has become intolerable while this small group continues to assault our present and past city staff with slander and down right lies.

Questioning our city government is a right that I support as a tax paying citizen, find an error, find some dirt backed by EVIDENCE, and I'm with you in wanting it corrected, but when you can't make your case against city staff stick because lack of proof or being proven wrong, then to continue digging and participating on the other blog with slander and lies is simple harrasment. Participation in any fashion on that blog without expressing concerned words of this harrasment and attacking is the same as supporting this hate mongering group (are you listening Mr. Mayor?) and you have put your name on the recieving end of returned mud slinging.
And please, do not play the union card, this harrasment of city staff was going on long before the union was even thought of and it is this very harrasment by a handfull of rotten apple council members that did finally bring the union into place by city employees.

Here is a clue to those of you who do not appreciate the mud slung back in your faces, when you participate with singling out an individual for attacking their integrity and workplace on a blog or elsewhere with no legitimate foundation, you are not just picking on one person, this person has relatives, close loved ones, friends and supporters who you are challenging their patience as being your supportive neighbors, ask yourself if you need or want anymore possible enemies?
I have not seen one legitimate whistle blower amongst you who have at heart the welfare of this town as a whole, but rather those who desire to win an unwise fight even if it requires creating lies and twisting of the truth.

So thank you blog master for creating a way for us to throw it back in their faces, let us see how those individuals on the other blog take the mud slung back to where it began, my guess is like spoiled children being reprimanded.

I will continue to live here because of the surrounding natural beauty, but what an ugly little town that this has become.

I will continue to live here because of the natural beauty that surrounds us,but what an ugly little town this has become.