Thursday, April 1, 2010

Turn Up The Volume

Turn up your volume before you hit play, you're gonna want to here every word

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NoBo Truth, once again you have amazed me with your talent. Kinda puts "Sharon Runkles" to shame. Whats really sad is that all of this is true. The Mayor doesn't know how to do anything but talk in circles, tell lies and spend city money for no reason. Dudley is a whiney little complainer that thinks he is Gods Gift to the council. He thinks he knows alot about finances, but really knows crap. Has he ever gone into city hall and asked the c/t for the real figures? or looked at the books for himself? I don't think so. I think he's just one of their puppets used to support the lying mayor. I don't think the Mayor has even checked out anything for himself. I really feel sorry for the employees that have to work with him....the asshole. Has anyone ever heard him stand up for any of the employees (other than the planner)? Nope, all he can do is falsely accuse and lie, lie, lie. It's time the public get to know the real Mayor.